Culture and Heritage

Japanese Civilization and Culture 

Japan is one of the most rich countries in heritage and traditional art and in Japan there are a lot of archaeological and historical sites and Japan is characterized by the country's many cultural activities such as tea or flowers "Ikebana" festivals and there is also a traditional dress known kimonos. Traditional Japanese art performances even today are very popular, including the classic theater "Kabuki" - Art & «Nauh» - musical theatre - "Alkiogn","Albonrako" comedy theatre some of which are recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritage.

Religions and Sects and their impact on the system of government 

There are many religions in Japan, but the majority of the Japanese people follow Shinto and Buddhism. The most famous sect in Japan is the Buddhist Zen sect. There is the Confucianism which came to Japan from China starting from the sixteenth century. As for the heavenly religions it is believed that about 2 million Japanese follow the Christian religion, and there are about 100 thousand, or more, Japanese Muslim and few followers of Judaism.
However, the majority of Japanese people do not follow any particular religion, and that is due to the role played by the traditional Shinto religion in recruiting people during World War II. Despite this, the teachings of Shinto and Buddhism remain entrenched in every aspect of Japanese daily life and religious celebrations and festivals spread in the country throughout the year. The Japanese are used to holding marriage and wedding ceremonies in churches, and burial rites are predominantly held in the Buddhist way. The Japanese exchange gifts during Christmas and other holidays the Christian way.

Japanese Society

Japanese society represents the unity of ethnic and  linguistic unity.  Along with the vast majority there  are other ethnic minorities, and there are many Korean communities, Chinese Taiwan and the Philippines communities. The Ainu people stationed in the north in Hokkaido are  the Japanese indigenous. 99% of Japanese people speak  Japanese  language. However, there are still a few people talking Alaanah.
Japanese society is considered among the most aging people in the world.
Japanese society is characterized by qualities such as honesty, sincerity, discipline, and accuracy of work.

Islam In Japan

It is  believed that there are  more than one hundred thousand Japanese people who follow the Islamic religion.  Their number has increased in the nineties of the twentieth century through the impact of marriage from  Muslim foreigners. And Japan has a number of Islamic centers and institutes that introduce Islam and the Arabic language,  the most important of which is the Saudi Arabian Islamic Institute, the Islamic Center as well as some schools and mosques run by some nationalities such as Pakistanis, Indians, Bengalese, Turks and Africans.